Transfer your training online to keep employees informed, connected and up-to-date while remote working.

Thanks to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the way we all work is rapidly changing. Remote working is becoming the new norm for many, for the time being at least.

Even before the UK government issued its new guidelines (16th March 2020), several large companies had already told office and customer support workers to stay at home. In just two days, UK businesses of all sizes have swiftly brought in flexible or full ‘working from home’ policies, as they try to control the spread of the virus.

Like everybody else, Ashford is doing what we can to keep our team safe and healthy – and employed. In fact, we’re no strangers to remote working. Some of us have been very successfully working from home for years.

And that’s how we know that, when you work remotely, it’s vital that everyone stays connected and informed. During the current crisis – and especially if the country goes into ‘lockdown’ – it’s more important than ever to ensure that employees’ training is current and ongoing. After all, they won’t be in ‘social distancing’ mode forever!

Thankfully, we have the technology to ensure that social distancing and self-isolation do not have to mean complete isolation from the outside world.

Many businesses are now in the situation where they need to transfer their face-to-face training to digital learning, and they need to do it now. That’s quite a daunting task, especially when it’s added to an already busy workload.

And that’s where we come in…

Let us ease the remote working load

Here at Ashford, we have a wide selection of skills and tools to help you adapt to a remote and scattered workforce, whether you need new digital learning courses or just an extra pair of hands to ease the load.

So, here are some of the ways we can support you, and save you time.

An extra pair of hands

Maybe you’re planning to repurpose your existing training in an online format in-house. Whether it’s by typing, writing, copy-editing, editing, graphic design, screen design or learning design, we have the skills to speed up the process. With our experience, we can do in two days what might take you two weeks, all the while freeing up your team up to do what they’re experienced at.

We can even help you keep your remote workers ‘in the loop’ by writing emails, blog posts, etc.

Transferring your existing learning materials to digital

If you don’t have the necessary time or experience in-house, we can take your existing training and repurpose it for you. We’ll make it as interactive as you want, and rework, edit or restructure as much (or as litte!) as you request.

Ready-to-use elearning

We have a selection of courses that you can deliver immediately (see our catalogue of courses that are ready to use right now). Use them as they are, or we can customise them to include your branding or suit the particular needs of your business at this time.

Mobile, interactive learning aids

Our new Ask Ashford ‘learning nuggets’ are designed to act as a quick refresher on subjects that people have already learned, or as virtual reminder cards. You can get them as web-based learning or for use via an LMS.

Each one includes handy information and an interactive challenge and we’re constantly adding new topics.

Remote working: Ask Ashford interactive mobile learning aids

Ask Ashford titles so far include:

  • (HEALTH) Ask Ashford: Coronavirus (web version free and available now)
  • (HEALTH) Ask Ashford: Hand Hygiene (web version free and available now)
  • (FOOD SAFETY) Ask Ashford: Food Allergens
  • (FIRE SAFETY) Ask Ashford: What Fire Extinguisher?
  • (SECURITY) Ask Ashford: Dealing With Bomb Threats

Tools to build your own courses

We can provide the tools you need if you want to create your own online learning. Ashford is the UK reselling partner of Just Author. We provide their authoring tool and will support you as you learn to use it to create your own elearning.

LMS support

We provide LMS hosting and support as UK reselling partner of Abara LMS. We can also provide support for other LMSs if you need it.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you adapt to remote working. We’re quicker and less expensive than you might think!