Going remote? We’re all in this together

Transfer your training online to keep employees informed, connected and up-to-date while remote working.

Thanks to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the way we all work is rapidly changing. Remote working is becoming the new norm for many, for the time being at least.

Even before the UK government issued its new guidelines […]

Having a virtual ball with scenario-based learning

Virtual reality is making scenario-based elearning more effective (and enjoyable) than ever.

Here at Ashford, we love a good story. A well-designed, realistic workplace scenario can be more motivating and relevant for learners than linear approaches to learning. (And besides, they’re fun to create!)​

An effective elearning scenario is a story […]

So last century! But the rules of punctuation and grammar still apply (mostly)

Punctuation: the difference between ‘Let’s cook mother’ and ‘Let’s cook, mother’.

While celebrating Punctuation Day on September 24, Ashford’s resident punctuation enforcer stumbled across an old notepad. The faded jotter, whose tatty pages are stained with ancient coffee cup rings, dates from our Editor’s previous life as a newspaper hack. […]

2019-10-01T16:24:46+01:001 October 2019|Tips and tricks, Writing and editing|
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